17 septiembre 2009

Vibrato 19

Cover Songs

1. Lunasect - Fascination Street [The Cure] from the out of print 2000 release "Long Lost"
2. The Lassie Foundation - Inside Out [The Mighty Lemon Drops] from the second disc of the 2006 Northern Records compilation "Through and Through"
3. The Mighty Lemon Drops - Splash #3 (Now I'm Home) [13th Floor Elevators] from the 1997 Chrysalis Records compilation "Rollercoaster"
4. Japancakes - Loomer [My Bloody Valentine] from the 2007 Darla release "Loveless" ~~I bought my copy from the iTunes Music Store and found it to be a major disappointment (I've included one of the shorter and least objectionable songs). I know that somebody is bound to like this CD, but I think there is a good reason why Shoegazing bands use effects pedals rather than pedal-steel guitars.
5. Mira - When You Sleep [My Bloody Valentine] from the self-titled 2000 Projekt release
6. Galaxie 500 - Listen, the Snow is Falling [Yoko Ono] from the out of print 1990 Rough Trade Records release "This is Our Music"
7. Chapterhouse - Rain [The Beatles] from the first disc of the out of print 1996 Dedicated release "Rownderbowt"
8. The Prids - Motor Away [Guided by Voices] from the 2007 Five03 "Something Difficult" EP
9. Seven Percent Solution - Oh Yeah [Can] from the 1998 Lone Starfighter Records special edition release "Gabriel's Walz"
10. Loop - Mother Sky [Can] from the out of print 1989 Chapter 22 release "Fade Out"

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