18 noviembre 2009

Tremelo 09

1. Everything Is Made In China - By One Get One Free (Catch & Carry) As far as I'm aware this is the first offering from E.I.M.I.C.

2. The Stratford 4 - Displacer (Jetset) Taken from the 2002 album "The Revolt Against Tired Noises".

3. Charmparticles - Battersea (Self Released) Taken from the fantastic debut album "Alive In The Hot Spell".

4. Timonium - Until He Finds Us (Pehr) Taken from the album "Until He Finds Us".

5. Wry - Different From Me (Club AC30) Taken from the "Whales & Sharks"ep.

6. Luminous Orange - Every Single Child (Music Related) Taken from the new album "Sakura Swirl".

7. 18th Dye - Dive (Che') I had completely forgotton about this record until just the other day when I was doing a spot of re-filing. This track is just fantastic. Taken from the classic album "Done".

8. Ides Of Space - No Trace Of Fading (Better Looking) Taken from the album "There Are No New Clouds".

9. Luga - This Hard Day (VU-US) Taken from the new album "Bound By Indifference".

10. Maps - I Was Born Twice (Mute) This is the B sibe of the single "It Will Find You". Probably my prefrered track.

Kris Waaah

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